Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Dad

Welcome! Because so many of you have asked about how my father is doing, I decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated. Disclaimer: I'm not a poetic writer, so please excuse the 'bare bones' posts.

You may wonder how I came up with the blog title, 'The Fisherman in the Cowboy Hat.' That is a homage to my dad's quirky fashion choices. The cowboy hat was my dad's 'go to' accessory anytime he went outside- whether it be mowing the lawn, working in the garden, or even going fishing. Picture John Wayne minus the handkerchief and funny walk.
(I wish I had a picture of him in his cowboy hat, but this is pretty cute too).

Anyway, I'll try to update this as we go along. Until then:

 'Wherever you go and whatever you do,
May the luck of the Irish be there with you.'

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